© 09/2024
“C’est le printemps”
(Its spring)
21 March 2020
To celebrate the arrival of spring, Kérozen presents
his photos of flowers and various
paintings on this theme.
Click on the arrow :
“Joyeuses Pâques”
(Happy Easter)
12 April 2020
Per la festa di Pasqua, Kérozen ha raccolto
le uova di cioccolato deposte dalle campane
nel giardino, poi ci presenta diverse
opere recenti o in corso di realizzazione.
Click on the arrow :
“Fête du travail” (Labour Day)
1st of May 2020
After several photos of glycines or orchydées
in full bloom, Kérozen illustrates the Labour day
with various paintings on the work in the
industry, agriculture or trade.
Click on the arrow :
“Fête des mères” (Mother’s Day)
7 June 2020
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, Kérozen pays homage to
his mother and to all mothers through a series of photos,
paintings and drawings on the theme of motherhood.
Click on the arrow :
Kérozen presents his work in short diaporamas of 3 - 4 minutes
See also videos on some of his paintings :
“Summertime” (Summertime)
21 June 2020
For the summer, Kérozen makes us travel with his multicolored paintings
or drawings in various countries, to the sea, the mountain or the countryside.
Click on the arrow :
Version with video You Tube :
“Jardin en fête”
(Garden Party)
16 August 2020
Kérozen invites us to a joyful exhibition of his paintings in the middle
of nature.
Click on the arrow :
Version with video You Tube :
: The joy of life